Clínica VM DENTAL Dra. Viviana Morales Boffi [Col.1722] [odontologia@]
Pso. Canal, 22 - Amposta 43870 (Montsià) Telf. 977 705 704
C/ Rebull, 3 - Roquetes 43520 (Baix Ebre) Telf. 977 501 527
First Visit
Our desire is that your first visit to our center becomes a positive and unique experience for you. In this section we describe how goes first visit to VM Dental Clinic.
Our reception staff asks you to fill out a form with your medical data. The information you provide on this questionnaire is intended only to provide information that will enable us to personalize your treatment. Should not finally accept treatment, we promise to make no use of your data, either for sending information back.
Then, we invite you to access our facilities and that fits in one of the rooms equipped for first visits.
Treatment Plan
The dentist will complete the process with a complete diagnosis and treatment plan explaining that considers most appropriate for you.
This diagnosis is usually the result of a consensual work. The dentist responsible for your case consult with other specialists from the center the best overall solution, whatever your dental problem is.
Written budget
This first contact ends in reception where our staff will give you in personalized way all documentation regarding your diagnostic study, your treatment plan, the execution sequence and written budget.
We also resolve all doubts that may arise regarding the documentation provided, we tell about payment methods and financing.
What is included?
In Clínica VM Dental first visit includes:
- History and making your dental health history
- Intraoral and extraoral medical examination
- Radiological examination, if any, consisting of:
- Panoramic radiograph of the jaws
- Intraoral radiographs: periapical or bite fins for caries diagnosis
- Delivery of medical report, diagnosis and possible treatment options for your case
- Preparation of the times and sequence provided for treatment